emergency dating consultant


Emergency Dating Consulting

The history of dating has never been so free or flexible to achieve happiness and understanding between the sexes like it is today. As true as that statement is, dating is in a state of emergency for the most of us. EDC is for the individual who requires immediate change or development in the world of dating. Whether stuck in a cycle of online dating, consumed by loneliness or just having no clue where to start, I believe I can help you.

All throughout history we’ve attempted to present our selves as simple people: caveman, cavewoman, man, woman, ladies, and gentleman. Not much room for in-between, or outside the norm. This allowed us to start somewhere however; colonize and continue to innovate as a group. Something that was positive of that simplistic time, that people quickly established who they were, or their identities ( job, goals, perspective in life), therefore, people were able to find a partner fairly quickly as natural selection took over from there. They’re are many of different groups of people today — there always have been. Times have changed, women have complete freedom over their bodies and lives. Misogynistic men went underground and good guys been getting run over by smart women ever since. I understand, I would like to bring a balance to such a shift. That left most men raised for a few generations with little tools and education how to go about women without playing into the typical male roles.

Really, specifically, I don’t feel comfortable that there are a abnormal amount adult male virgins everywhere who don’t want to be. Don’t get me wrong, love is the name of my game here; however, that’s a reward from sincere effort. There are more and more men who are going years without sex…decades. Spending years of time, thousands of dollars on dating apps, months chasing a woman online. Decent men, who women are waiting for tangled up with thousands of hungry, desperate men. The reality of this epidemic on many different levels is dangerous to say the least. That’s one of the many reasons why EDC was created. It doesn’t matter what you look like, if your on handling your responsibilities and are ready to date, you should always be able to find a partner. If your not high on the attractiveness scale we universally use, your personality is critical for others to see. You don’t really get to reveal that on dating apps, it feels awkward filling those out because it is. Your a human being that is ridiculously more detailed than a bios.

If internet porn, social media, and dating sites taught us anything, they taught us personally and statistically that we definitely want each other, bad. Most of us pass hundreds and thousands of each other each day without saying a word, let alone approaching who find uniquely beautiful. It was torturous for myself and I can only assume for others as well. Through a reality check of clarity by simplifying the differences we all have culturally, narrowing down what we historically all have in common, some want to find their someone and some want to be found. Going to get that person that made your knees weak, locking eyes with you, or walking past you, must be interacted with! Nothing is more rewarding, the person you approached would agree. The staggering fear should be there, this is something you value, it should mean something to get it. I want to eliminate the illusion of thinking the person your going to approach is going to randomly pull out a megaphone and announce your deep vulnerable desire for a partner to all that can hear.

EDC was designed to bring clarity to haunting, misunderstood memories of heartaches, exes and embarrassment. Lifting the ‘‘vail of normalcy’’ and maximizing who you actually are, you’ll be ready in no time. Matter of fact, I can to tell you that your going to be fine. Actually, your brave for attempting, or continuously attempting even though you feel you don’t have a firm grasp on why your why not you aren’t getting what you want. I could fill pages on much of context alone, however, there are millions of people suffering everyday from confusion and loneliness from past relationships to no experiences at all. Some people just might need some advice, clarity, direction, help with someone special, to someone who just needs talk and let off some pain. I’m not sure, but there’s to many of us to know exactly, so here’s a chance to let me know.

Marcus Washington

EDC Marcus Washington

What exactly is EDC?

A safe haven for some, a breath of fresh air for others. I’ve taken and analyzed every man and woman that I’m personally close to as well as their relationships, also the men and women I’ve gotten to know on a personal level and factored them to two different but very important groups: Support and Leader (S & L’s). I’ve always said that mean are the spine in relationships and when raising a family, while women are the heart of a relationship and especially when raising a family. One (spine) structures the body while stabilizing mobility, and the other (heart) pumps blood and communicates with the entire body. These are both vital to a body and one cannot live without the other, especially for optimal function.

  • Leader - Who will fall into the “L” category is someone who prefers to go get their future partner through approaching them. They are the type to direct their relationships, the person who makes the decision in a situation and discusses it after the decision has been made with their partner. These people are usually headstrong, demand respect, feel obligated to be a protector, they carry a certain stubbornness, but is very mindful of people, especially their love ones and children.

  • Support - The people that would fall into the “S” category, is someone who prefers being approached by their future partner. Usually they are extremely thoughtful of the people around them, especially their partner. They are care takers and carry a specific pleasing role to their partner and others. Though these people are very polite, they are not to be trifled with, they’re smart, a lot goes on in their head in order to care like they do, they are mental warriors. Respect goes a long way with this type, but disrespect them and it is only a matter of time where all love is lost and there is no fixing what was damaged.


Throughout my years of service, I’ve created a category of matchmaking for a specific type of person. I learned that there are people who have been through so much in their life that they just want to find a good person to settle down with. They are not looking for someone who cares about putting in extra maintenance into themselves, they don’t carry high expectations to their partner looks, nor do they want to enter back into “The Game” anymore, nor do they have any interest. These people might come with their own children, previous marriages, but a very realistic understanding that we are flawed human beings that are cut from many different cloths, but definently deserve love nonetheless.

someone uniqley special to you

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” That is a very true statement and heavily disregarded today. As human beings, we are all very different in so many ways, we have very different tastes overall but definently when it comes to who we are attracted too. Universal beauty is very real, however, we all have liked someone who others would judge or dismiss as a beautiful person, I believe that is a special feature we have as humans. In fact, I believe that person is tailored for you…if you can get them! This doesn’t come without risk of course, anything that holds great value to you, usually comes with an immense fear of screwing it up, as it should! Look at it as a job that you really want and you have an interview coming up. No matter how much you prepare your outfit, documents, or what your going to say, you will have an intense combination of fear/excitement leading all the way up to the interview until you complete it. Just like when you get the call that you’ve got the job, you will be leaving ready to scream out in excitement after you exchange phone numbers!

This entails coaching, you will go through a filtering process that I’ve created to provide a understanding to lead, grow, and respectfully play your role in your relationship. You'll know exact what to do in your relationship and will never encounter situations you can not handle. This is done by highlighting what we were not taught during our adolescence. By filtering out whatever toxic information you might have picked up throughout the years, as well as clarifying any memories or experiences that still might haunt you today from previous relationships or attempts.

  • I will walk with you all the way until you get your first kiss with this person or you feel my services or no longer needed. You will have the knowledge and natural confidence to continue solo, however, feel free to reach out at anytime during your endeavor!

We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature.
— Edmund Burke

Why Emergency?

According to web MD, loneliness has reached an epidemic point among people in the U.S, rivaling tobacco, here’s the link: https://www.webmd.com/balance/news/20180504/loneliness-rivals-obesity-smoking-as-health-risk. It hurts to go out and see someone plagued with loneliness, especially when they have so much to offer, or they’re attached. Loneliness is a true evil to the soul. Capable of distorting your perception of sex, love and relationships entirely. It can cause you to temporarily or permanently abandon your core values just to achieve a temporary “win”. Also capable of leading people to becoming a radical of their new love/sex deprived perspective; thus, can lead people into an endless route of justifying their delusion of loneliness. These extremists has popped up amongst us in the recent decades. There has been a rise of public shootings in the recent years. Many of these men who executed these chaotic atrocities were young males, handsome, educated, and had messages for women who weren’t interested in them in the past to say the least (not excluding the older men). Women tend to not operate in such a violent outburst in times of despair. Instead, the term “Karen” has popped up in recent years. The majority tagged with this title are older women with very similar characteristics attached to them (not excluding the younger women), when videos of their public outburst goes viral. They turn into mental monsters, who are determined to get inside their victims psyche and attempt to get a extreme reaction out of them. They specifically persuade their victim into performing an action that causes an outside party (bystanders, law enforcement etc.) to inevitably look at the “Karen” as a victim other than the aggressor. These acts have rage range from domestic to murder! Theses are acts of extremism, people have lost their lives over messing with someone’s unstable emotions. Men and women need to be properly educated how to recognize these individuals, and not perpetuate the cycle by ignorantly mingling with individuals who are mentally ill. As I said before, I believe we’re overcomplicating this natural process we have been doing since the beginning, and just not taking it as serious as we should.

Exceptionally standing out in your field of work, doing what your supposed to do every day for yourself, taking care of who you are responsible for, or feel your responsible for, should come along with the understanding, knowing that you’ll meet someone who is compatible with you and your journey at some point. Some of us are raised believing that, they either never see the day, settle, give in that it is not true etc. This fact, not only statistically shouldn’t be the case, it certainly doesn’t have to be. I should be that unfortunate statistic of loneliness; however, I happen to catch lighting in a bottle, found understanding, and chose a path of individuality that only a few can recognize.

To recognize this disconnect we have with naturally pursuing each other in person, is to also recognize the disconnect we have with one another. To recognize the deep down disappointment women have with their fellow men everywhere, who just stared or talked for 30 minutes with them just to walk away without getting her phone number. Men are also growing salty at our fellow women for choosing a love life with some of the worst men because of not wanting to date the man who talked you up and walked away. This is consequence from a unbalanced power scale hitting both extremes from the long reign of men domineering women for centuries, with never feeling the need to get to know women; thus, the powerhouse of feminism successfully doing its job, fought and won for women’s rights. That left a void for those men that were defeated, which left their growth with women stagnant. This left hard men lacking security within themselves to show emotional support for their partner, and kind hearted men afraid to express their traits of masculinity. Both are not sustainable for a long-term relationship that leads to marriage. Most of us have attempted dating the men and women who fit these molds and knew something just wasn’t right, they’re either missing this or that; really, it’s just fear. Fear of not knowing what to do when your emotionally vulnerable or fear of expressing your inner thoughts and desires.

EDC was designed to get you offline and on life to find your partner. A philosophical perspective through my eyes and experiences. Knowing you can take your time, actually enjoy the value of patience, enjoy your life, or work to improve your quality of life so you can share it with someone one day. All from having confidence through knowing everything is going to be okay because you have your dating life under control. You recognize the world around you for what it is, FB is FB, Instagram is Instagram. No more online dating to find a partner, you only go to bars, clubs and social events because you want to have fun — that’s why they are there. Good things tend to happen when your blissfully having fun with good company. Pursing the one that caught your attention even though you they make you shake, getting their number…then blasting off to outer space( when no one is looking of course). These are more balanced, rehabilitated perspectives, principles of dating that express direction. Something that every person wanting to be pursued recognizes as an individual, and special to them. This isn’t exclusive to men, many women do and should approach when they see someone if they feel inclined to, anyone should if they have the itch. Not everyone fantasizes about sparking up a conversation with the one they want, however, some have the natural desire to be initially approached for that conversation. EDC offers a customized process individuals (The Hitch Package) that is devised to elaborately find your match without losing the power through being approached, this can work for the pursuers too. EDC is an educational re-alignment of what might be out of place. A coach for those who require immediate assistance, or refreshing words for someone who just need advice.

Approaching someone or being open to being approached is very important for who we meet. There is a certain security that comes with approaching one another. Men and women can be a real threat to each other today, however, approaching a person gives them the opportunity to size you up, inspect you as you speak with them. For example, a woman using a woman’s natural gift of intuition through observation and assessment of a man from his appearance, body language, mannerisms, to the dirt under his fingernails as they conversate gave her enough information for her to proceed or back off from her assessment . This saved many women’s lives by sensing inauthenticity and also got them their husband. Who is being pursued needs self reassurance as much as they can, they need to know that your not a creep and no goes into someone’s trunk. Doing this also has the person your pursuing not play such defensive games when courting is in session. This is why many women online are vague or standoffish, she has no idea who you are but your profile…how much is that worth today. Leaving future generations confused and even afraid of expressing interest or even interacting to someone they’re profoundly attracted to, that’s why we need zoosk, eharmony, match, tinder etc. to let us know it all clear to flirt. I hope to change that with EDC, no more YEARS lost using online dating, money, loneliness should not be normal, help break this cycle by starting a new one. One we’re proud to share and pass on to our children.

EDC was inspired by many great men and women who I met while traveling all over U.S. over many years who had much to offer, but found themselves alone. Most of these people just needed some sort of information added or taken away through someone who can relate. I’ve been there and probably should be still consumed by loneliness, confusion, or just resorting to dating sites for intimate human contact, ready for damn near anyone who would show me some sort of tlc. Love and affection from another person is natures medicine that heals and calms more than we know. My god, I’ve been there, I fortunately caught lighting in a bottle through my personal experience, then carefully put together knowledge together through a decade of trail and error. Now, I can pass these fundamental tools on and have someone else find a way out like I did, permanently.

Let's Chat.

Use the form below to contact me regarding your dating enquiry. Please be as detailed as possible. To help best service your enquiry, I recommend that you first describe the issue you’re having before telling me what you want to achieve.